نموذج عقد بيع عقار باللغة الانجليزية
Ownership Contract
Preliminary Contract of Sale
On this Friday corresponding / / AD
This contract has been concluded between:
First: Mr. / ………….,
Age: …… years, Nationality: ……, Religion: ……, Profession……, bearer of ID card
No. …………, Civil Registry: ……, Issue Date: …………, Place of Residence: …… St.,
Plot ……, ………………
By his capacity as guardian of his daughter Miss/ ……………………. , with power
of attorney No. (………) on ………
And a guardian on his minor daughter / …………………….
(First Party/ Vendor)
Second: Mr. / ………….,
Age: …… years, Nationality: ……, Religion: ……, Profession……, bearer of ID card
No. …………, Civil Registry: ……, Issue Date: …………, Place of Residence: …… St.,
Plot ……, ………………
(Second party/ Purchaser)
After the parties acknowledged their legal eligibility for acting and
contracting, they agreed on the following articles:
First Article
The Subject of Sale
The first party hereby sells, assigns, and transfers with all legal and actual guarantees
to the second party who accepted that:
Apartment No. (2) at the second floor above ground in
the building No. (……) at ……. St., ……………, Police Station: …….., Governorate: ……..,
Plot No. ………. and its specifications as following:
Its area: (140.54) square meters including (1) reception, (3)
bedrooms, (2) bathrooms, and (1) kitchen.
Share amounted: (.…) building as it is (…..) square
meters inland and utilities of the common building as construction parts that
are prepared for common usage, main walls, and entrances.
Basements, surfaces, corridors, and elevators as the share
equivalent to (4.8) shares of (24) Carats in which the building that the sold
apartment in the subject is located as follows:
Street: ………, Police Station: ……, Governorate: ………., Plot No. ………...
Its borders are as following:
Northern Border: Street with width …… M and length ……
Eastern Border: two plots No. (…….) division with
length ….. M.
Southern Border: Plot No. (……) division with length ……
Western Border: Street with width 10 M and with length
…… M.
The area of the building in which the sold apartment
is located is (………) square meters.
Second Article
The second party hereby acknowledges that he inspected the
sold apartment in the subject and its utilities by virtue of this contract with
duly inspection and he accepted it with its current status without reverting
back to the first party later.
Third Article
Rights in Rem
The first party ensures that the apartment in
subject is free from all rights in rem whether it is apparent or covert as franchising
rights, mortgage or waqf, monopoly and usufruct rights.
Fourth Article
The Price
This sale has been concluded in return for total
price amounted 220000 (Only two hundred twenty thousand Egyptian pounds) as the
second party paid an amount of ……… (Only ………………..) in the session of signing on
this contract and the rest of the amount will be paid on four annual equal
installments as the value of each installment amounted 12500 (only twelve
thousand five hundred Egyptian pounds) starting from ………. to ………
Fifth Article
Conditions of Delivering the Sold Apartment
تلخيص كتاب "الفلسفة الإسلامية بين الأصالة والتقليد" للدكتور محمد حسن...
أفضل الدول الأوروبية للهجرة في العالم
طرق البحث عن وظيفة في السعودية
The first
party hereby acknowledges that he will deliver the apartment in the subject
immediately after signing the current Preliminary Contract of Sale.
The delivery minute is executed in duplicate signed by the two
contracting parties and each one keeps a copy to act as necessarily.
Sixth Article
The first party (vendor) hereby acknowledges that the ownership of the building
in which the sold share is located is transferred to him through buying from the
Cooperative Association of Construction and Housing ………. Company for ……….
declared under No. ……….. and its declaration is repeated under No. ………. in …………
Seventh Article
Conditions of Signing on the Final Contract
The first party (vendor) hereby undertakes to submit ownership documents
of the building in which the sold apartment is located and sign on the final
contract before competent Real Estate Authority or appearance before court
authority to authenticate on the validity of this contract or acknowledge its
signature; besides, in the case of his refusal at maximum period one month, he
should pay for the second party (purchaser) an amount 20000 (Only twenty
thousand Egyptian pounds) as an agreed compensation from now and this will be
after three days from notifying him by virtue of a registered letter.
Eighth Article
The second party (purchaser) hereby acknowledges that he will bear all
expenditures, charges and fees of completing the final contract or expenditures
of filing a lawsuit of the contract of sale validity and its effectiveness or
validity of signature lawsuit and any other expenditures related to the sold
Ninth Article
Chosen Domicile
The two parties hereby acknowledge that their
chosen domicile is the address mentioned in this contract and all official
mailings will be sent on this address are considered legal.
Tenth Article
Competent Courts
Any dispute arising concerning this contract or
the sold apartment shall be settled by ……….. Courts with their different types and
Eleventh Article
Number of Copies
This contract is concluded in two copies, each
party received a copy to act accordingly when necessary.
First Party (Vendor)
Name: …………….
ID No.: ……………
Signature: ………….
With a capacity as guardian of his daughter
Miss/ ………………..
Second Party (Purchaser)
Name: …………….
ID No.: ……………
Signature: ………….
First Witness:
Name: ……………………..
Address: …………………..
Signature: …………………
Second Witness:
Name: ……………………..
Address: …………………..
Signature: …………………